Monday, 27 April 2015

Speech Derby

Teens contest:

Duration allowed4 to 6 minutes
EligibilityBelow 18 years of age
The speakers in this contest are less than 18 years of age and will be presenting a speech similar to Project 1: The Ice Breaker, in the Competent Communication Manual, whose objective is to begin speaking before an audience and to discover speaking skills you already have. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.
Click here to signup for Speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Young adults contest:

Duration allowed4 to 6 minutes
EligibilityPost-Secondary student
This contest is open to college students who are not
yet Toastmasters and will be presenting a speech similar to Project 1: The Ice Breaker, in the Competent Communication Manual, whose objective is to begin speaking before an audience and to discover speaking skills you already have. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.

Click here to signup for Speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Tall Tales with vocal variety contest:
Duration allowed3 to 5 minutes
EligibilityBelow 18 years of age
Contestants are required to tell a story of highly exaggerated and improbable nature and have a theme and a plot while using vocal variety smoothly and naturally. It is advisable to study the objectives of Project 6: Vocal Variety, in the Competent Communication manual. Props may be employed. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.
Click here to signup for Speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Body language contest

Duration allowed5 to 7 minutes
EligibilityOpen to All
The contestants shall effectively, smoothly and naturally use stance, movement, gestures, facial expression and eye contact to express his or her message. It is advisable to study project 5: Body Language in the competent Communication Manual. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.

Click here to signup
for Speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Humorous speech contest

Duration allowed5 to 7 minutes
EligibilityOpen to All
The contestant shall aim to entertain the audience and effectively use body language and voice to enhance the story. The speech must be thematic in nature. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.
Click here to sign up , for speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Table topics contest:
Duration allowed1 to 2 minutes
EligibilityOpen to all
All contestants shall receive the same topic, availed by the contest chair during the contest. The topic shall be of a general nature, of reasonable length, shall not require a detailed knowledge, and shall lead to an opinion or conclusion. Contestants will receive no advance knowledge of the topic until the moment they are introduced by the contest chair. When the contest begins, all contestants except the first shall leave the room. This contest is open to all Toastmasters and the contestant selection shall be random from the audience. For details about rules see General Rules and Procedures.
Click here to signup, for speaker, judge, ballot counter, timer or Sergeant at Arms or click here to contact the contest chair

Best of Toastmasters 2015 Programme

8:30 Registration opensRegistration
9:30Call Speech Fair to OrderCall meeting to order kick start session
9:35Welcome address by CEOExpectation for the day
9:44House keepingHousekeeping
9:50Transition to Contest Recognise International TM Clubs present
9:55Teens Speakers ContestHighlighted Speech
11:26Contest TransitionAbout Toastmasters (Vision, History, Clubs)
11:30Young Adults Speakers ContestHighlighted Speech
13:01Lunch breakBreak
14:00Tall Tale with Vocal Variety ContestHighlighted Speech
15:31Contest TransitionTM Tip Session on Leadership & CL Manual
15:40Body Language ContestHighlighted Speech
17:11Contest TransitionAh Counter Special Event
17:15Humorous Speech ContestHighlighted Speech
18:16BreakBreak for Dinner Preparation
19:15Table Topics Contest 30 minutes
19:45Dinner served
20:05Award ceremony for day time contests and any other annual awards
20:20 Keynote speaker speech
20:35Chairman 2015 Speech Fair & Dinner
20:40CEO Vote of Thanks
20:45 Dance

Friday, 17 April 2015

Table Topics Contest 2015

15th of April 2015 will forever remain in infamy! Not because it chose to fall just after a long Easter weekend. No. Absolutely not. That motivated me to strictly implement my doctor’s instructions to reduce on consumption of animal products and therefore chapo-dunga na madondo has been my nourishment of choice.

My beef is with a speech contest turned nightmare. What do you do when an adult African male, a.k.a +Joseph Kimondo starts a conversation about money on such a date? I don’t know about you but as for me I stopped thinking and drifted to dreaming about what I could do with sh35bn. Though not quite familiar what a billion is, it did momentarily occur to me that it can buy me a gun to shoot such mockers in the mouth.

But I did well. All the Toastmasters I have consulted insist that had the question and the Judges guide/ballot been relevant to my presentation, I would have won.