Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Toastmasters Speech No. 7 (CC7) – (Research) – Millions of Pieces

“The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel.
I broke something, Old Man.
How badly is it broken?
It's in a million little pieces.
I'm afraid I can't help you, There's nothing you can do.
It can't be fixed.
It's broken beyond repair. It's in a million little pieces.” – Those are the opening words of James Frey’s book a million little pieces

At 20, in college and wiser than Solomon, I wondered why some people live in Umoja-Innercore. I wanted to do many things, least of which was to be a millionaire by 30. The Internet charlatans advise what you should have achieved by 30, by 40, by ---.
What a shame they do not tell you that it is not over until the final whistle.

If later your big perfect plan, like mine, shatters and scatters into a million little pieces, and you realise that the only way of moving into a two-bedroom house is by relocating to Gachie, where half the night is spent listening out for night crawlers.
Or if like my teenage friend Tumbo Kaliech your assumed six-pack is a cm of fat, then St. Francis of Assisi has just the recipe.
Start by doing what's necessary;
then do what's possible;
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

For the necessary stage, you are in a rut! Stop digging! Otherwise, the rut will become your grave. And then, take a step to get out.
Martin Luther King Jr. advises this
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”.

For example, in his six-pack redeeming enterprise, Tumbo started with baby-steps around the block.
or if your million little pieces are financial, take debt and luxury cutting step. In the property guide magazine of August 2010 is the story of Mike Otieno. After he lost his shop during the politician fuelled January 2008 mayhem, he first adjusted by relocating his residence from Buru Buru to Ruai and transferring his children from Wanja and Kim to a public school.

The ensuing savings set the stage for Mike’s possible and so should anyone else’s.

In the possible face, you will be happy you did not listen to those who said it cannot be done it cannot fixed, because now you can start investing small amounts, in quick return, low risk ventures. According to Mr. Nduati, a Senior asset manager with old mutual, 60% of the people who lose during their early years and restart this way recover to be financially stable by 50. Mike put his little money in quick return tailoring projects and two years down the line, he was back in Buruburu.
Meanwhile, Kaliech, at 42 might could not run the marathon yet, but jogging for one hour was not leaving him trying to swallow back his heart. Which collaborates an assertion by Dr. Muniu of physical education at Kenya University that, even people who start exercising later in life appear to gain many of the same health benefits as people who've exercised their whole lives.

Then the impossible happens; when Edison said we would astound ourselves if we did the things we are capable of, he was spot on, because:
  • I met Tumbo registering for the ten Kilometre semi-marathon heart run.
  • I met Mike biding to supply Kenya Power Uniforms. Do you know how much he is going to make if clinches the deal? No, neither do I, but I know someone who went for four day Mediterranean cruise after supplying a similar consignment.

do what's necessary;
then what's possible;
and by and by the impossible.

The Young man replied
It can be fixed
I will pick the pieces,


Friday, 21 June 2013

How To Start a Toastmasters Club in Kenya

In the effort to sprout the Downtown Toastmasters Club, Nairobi, I have so far established the following steps that may guide someone wishing to sponsor a club. Please note that the steps are not necessarily in sequence. Further, you must visit use the governing docs of Toastmasters international for updated terms and conditions and relevant fees and charges.

  1. Inform the president of the club that will sponsor the new club. This enables the resources of the sponsoring club (and other clubs) to be directed to help the fragile new club.
  2.  Acquire interim officials. These act as the committee to draft the budget, to arrange a demonstration meeting, to campaign and raise awareness and to regularly attend meetings. 
  3. Draft the first-year budget: Especially consider the TI fees $77 per member ($20 joining fee, $27 first six months subscription, $27 second six months subscription) and the venue hire charges.
4. Register the name at the Registrar of Societies. Can come later 5. Open a bank account and raise at least sh30,000. This amount should be sufficient to cover
1.    the charter fee ($125),
2.   stopwatch, bell, guest book, all available at Seal Honey
3.   Lectern, rostrum or podium– if your venue doesn’t provide
4.   first meeting room charges. Later members can contribute towards this item.

7.   Download and complete the form, "Application to Organize" and e-mail it to newclubs@toastmasters.org. This form is also found in the file in 6 above

8.   Pay $125.00 to TI. This gives the group the right to use the name, procedures and materials of TI as a provisional Club.

9.   Following receipt of the 'Application to Organize' and the $125 fee, World Headquarters (WHQ) will send to you a 'Charter Kit' that includes among others
·        20 No. Competent Communication Manuals
·        20 No. Competent Leader Manuals
·        1 no. Table Topics Handbook
·        250 no. Ballots & Brief Evaluations
·        Green, yellow, and red Timing Cards
·        Gavel
Ask for a sample of the meeting program from the sponsoring club. But there sample meeting agendas in the manuals and in the web. 
11. HOLD THE FIRST MEETING! Publicize and promote the inaugural meeting. It should be carefully planned as a demonstration meeting. The goal should be to
1.   achieve the minimum 20 members needed to charter in the shortest period.
2.   achieve the brake-even number of members that can financially run the club with straining members.

12.  Submit charter documents, membership fees and six months subscription when the Club reaches 20 members. At least 17 members must be non-dual. i.e. new, reinstated or transfer (unless it is an Advanced Club).

Is there something I left out? Have you sponsored a club or have you been part a charter member? Kindly share your experience and help grow your district.