Entries to this contest have previously been submitted recorded on an audio Compact Tape and later on an audio Compact Disc. Clubs were hoping that Toastmasters International would allow them to submit their entries in MP3 format or some such. They did even better! Clubs will now submit video entries. It even gets better. Clubs will no longer incur mailing charges and other inconveniences related to courier and snail mail. No. The entry forms will be sent via email that indicates an internet address (URL) of the video.
Bravo to TMI and Let the body language rehearsals commence.
Which reminds me. Anyone hoping to win this contest must start rehearsing the speech they hope to enter in November. This is to say an outline of the speech ought to be ready by October. It is also imperative that one uses a mentor(s) intensely.
Here is an excerpt of the rules as given in the item 1171 - Speech contest rule book 2017
1. Members of undistricted clubs are invited to participate in the Video Speech Contest. Videos must be in English.
2. The Toastmasters International Speech Contest Rules are to be followed as far as they are applicable.
A. There is no area, division, district, or semifinal competition for the Video Speech
Contest, nor are there any travel allowances.
B. To enter, clubs conduct a speech contest and submit a video recording of the winning speech.
3. Only one speech per club may be submitted. The video shall be made using the follow- ing procedures:
A. Complete and submit a Video Speech Contest Entry Form that includes a live URL
linking to a video submission.
B. Include the entire speech on the video, including the introduction. Speeches that have been edited will not be accepted.
C. Time the speech carefully to comply with the International speech contest rules.
D. Submit a completed Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility and Originality (Item 1183)
with the entry form.
E. Entry forms must be emailed to videospeechcontest@toastmasters.org and received at World Headquarters on or before 5 p.m. Pacific Time, March 31, to be eligible for competition.