handshake is a simple gesture with a load of interpretations. Some people may
have firm and confident grips while others have soft and gentle grips. A proper
handshake should be firm and last from 3 to 6 seconds. The hands should be
vertically side by side with thumbs locked around each other. One should reciprocate
the same amount of pressure he receives from the other person. Be aware though
that a handshake is a western culture. There are many communities where hand shaking is
not allowed.

The Vice: It squashes the palm and fingers of the other party and makes him or her dread the moment he or she will have to shake your hand (goodbye) again. You may appear to be lacking control and good judgment.
Queens Fingertips: You stretch out your hand from a distance allowing the other
person to barely grasp two or three of your fingers. You risk being labeled snobbish
if your handshakes turns out this way.
The embedded video demonstrates other handshakes to avoid.