Friday, 14 March 2014

Toastmasters Member survey 2013

Monday, 3 March 2014

The Beauty and the Beast

The Beast of burden called +Kwanza Kenya Toastmasters Kenya Club kicked off a Beautiful Taped speech contest with the beautiful and able Contest Toastmaster +Catherine Kyambi at the rudder. Although she thought it was beastly of the VPE to send a new Toastmaster like herself hunting big game alone she put up a starring performance.   On the Judges bench Sat Chief Judge +Joseph Muga, +Esther Kariuki, +Angela Rarieya , +Wangu Kamundia and Tony Ndung’u (the self-made Millionaire). The elephant in the house was, "who would represent Kwanza in the International Taped speech contest?".
First to try and impress the judges and not pulling your leg was Ralph with Pulling my leg – A humorous treatise that painted life in Nairobi streets so graphically you could have smelt the uncollected garbage, in which the brutes at Kenya power cut off the power at a most inopportune time and the sugarcane man has taken over the side walk that is used my buses to overtake! How do you become a millionaire? Break a leg or two............
Meanwhile  some millionaires are vexing +Titus Mutwiri for paying a packet of cigarettes to a poacher to exterminate the African Elephant  thus leaving his niece with the indignity of viewing the beasts dead or the lifeless tin ones down outer ring road at the airport roundabout.

Who thought +Joyce Kaduki can rival Linda Hunt! When she sings ‘listen with your heart', she is “Beast!”. Nguru Wachira had his share of beasts too. The big five waiting to watch European tourists as the other beasts masquerading as Kenyan leaders are out hiding money in Europe while foreigners are commanding 70% of the investments in the country.